from the comments, it looks like some new people have found the blog, which is awesome. If you're new, you should definitely read the old posts, especially about our Event at SXSW (which is looking more and more interesting -- more on that later).
There was one comment, though, that I wanted to respond to. "jim" wrote:
"Are you aware there's a war going on? And you're going to protest a BAND!?"I respect the sentiment, but my response to this is: why even go to SEE bands if there's a war going on? That is, why support bands you like during wartime?
The obvious answer is: because you still think culture is important. But if you think culture is important, then you need not just to support the bands you like but oppose the bands that need to be opposed.
I agree that the war needs to be protested also, and I don't think the two are mutually exclusive. In fact, at the event on Friday, if you want to protest the war as well as the band, then by all means. But don't get fooled by people who say that bands aren't worth protesting. If bands aren't too frivolous to pay good money to cheer on, then they aren't too frivolous to speak out against.
More later. Peace everybody.
I just clicked on this blog via gawker....and I am sorry, I understand that you feel strongly about this, but really, who gives a shit??? Why not a "stop Fergie" blog? Who cares?!? And more importantly why not advocate for helping the elderly or ending cruelty to animals? I understand that you go on a limb to want to stop an indie band, but why not go on a limb for something meaningful rather than something annoying?
... because you're actually a hired shill from PBJ's record company trying to drum up even more GUERILLA hype.
Transparent, boys, transparent
I agree with anonymous. Does anyone really give a shit about which bands because "the next big indie group?" This is one genre of music that people are allowed to have their own opinions...charts, top-tens, etc...don't matter.
Waste your useless energy on something worth while.
it really doesn't matter why or why not the guy is doing this blog. If he actually wants to oppose PB&J, why not? And if it is viral marketing, all the more good for them, as it is working. I already saw a link for it on Pitchfork. And as for the indie community, the majority base every last little detail of their taste on what they read on the internet. But why the hell are you trying to tell this guy whether what he is trying to do is stupid or not?
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